Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ever since I learned about Jean-Michel I thought he was a very interesting character. Like many other people I find of interest, he died at a young age from his own extra cirricular activities. This young man was one of the first people to start as a street based artist and cross the lines into mainstream galleries. Yet, his work still remained interesting. He also starred in a film I own called "downtown 81" which really captures the raw NYC of the early 80's. Even has cameo's from hip hop icon Fab 5 freddy, of which Basquiat was a friend. He also was involved in music as well. For now the frog prophet will suggest you watch this footage of Basquiat and Warhol.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Frog prophet would advise you to take a listen

Wisdom through expression

Over many periods in creation, various artforms have risen. From cave drawings and descriptive hieroglyphs, the passion to take a blank canvas and create something outside of yourself remains. The above work of art is a modern urban masterpiece. This art is not priced an hung in a gallery for the highest bidder. Instead, you may only drive/walk by it and enjoy it for what it is like everyone else. That in itself is justice and equality without the attempt. Take a look for a mintue. You may say graffiti art, I say justice and equality.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Frog Prophecy Intro

Greetings people of planet earth. I am the frog prophet. In the upcoming days, month and years I shall provide you with insight beyond the earthly realm of comprehension. I being the humble servant of the people will grace you with words, music, photos, videos, art and other means of worldly expression to communicate my message. I love the good in people and even with the mass hysteria that plagues us from land to sea..I still see beauty. You shall further prosper and excell in your own being while exchanging our thoughts and ideas. Now lets get down on the get down aint no time for playing around. Let us Begin. Here is some music by Bjork to set the mood. You shall hear many types and form of music and art as I am the universal frog prophet. Ask not of my mysterious frog nature, just enjoy.